Main advantages:
- 30 day long visa free regime inside “Khorgos” ICBC for natural persons;
- admission of RK nationals based on the ID card (children on the basis of the birth certificate and to be accompanied by one of the parents);
- admission of the third countries’ nationals (on the basis of the valid passports; persons legally staying inside RK).
This will considerably increase the rate of attendance of facilities by the entrepreneurs and tourists from the People’s Republic of China.
The unique site for holding meetings, negotiations and exhibitions in various formats (forum, conference, B2B, etc.) with Chinese partners and for concluding contracts and agreements.
Apart from the commercial constituent,* “The Trading and Logistics Center Mustang Cargo LTD”* will be performing an important cultural role in the development of relations between Kazakhstan and China.
The unique character of the project lies in its versatility and multi-functionality as well as:
- free movement of people and goods(cargo) inside the ICBC borders;
- duty-free exportation of goods from ICBC to the amount of up to €1500, but no more than 50 kg.